Advertising on Instagram and Facebook: The Better Evil

facebook vs instagram ads campaign

Both advertisings on Instagram and Facebook can boost your brand if your company has a good marketing strategy. However, each of these social networks has its own characteristics. Next, we will give you the tools to understand if it is convenient for your brand to advertise on Instagram and Facebook.

Instagram and Facebook correspond to the social networks with the highest user participation today. Instagram is a simpler social network and can be used both professionally and socially. Likewise, Facebook is more comprehensive and can also be used to create events and fan pages. 

Instagram and Facebook: differences and similarities

In principle, to understand which social network will be most convenient for you, it is necessary to understand where your audience lives. Beyond the number of active users on each of the social networks, the important thing is that your target audience is present there. 

Facebook allows you to reach the audience in a very direct way and carry out branding through informative content. Instead, Instagram appeals to connect with the public through emotions through audiovisual content. 

To optimally evaluate the reach capacity of each of the platforms, it is essential that you understand what audience your business is aimed at. By understanding the characteristics of your audience, it will be easier to understand which social network is more convenient to promote your brand. 

While Facebook is associated with an older audience, Instagram is associated with a younger audience. Instagram allows you to position your brand since the images have excellent quality. Facebook, meanwhile, offers extensive flexibility in ad creation.

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Is it more convenient to advertise on Instagram or Facebook?

Instagram-Facebook ads

As we mentioned before, it is necessary to know the characteristics of your target audience to understand which social network is most suitable for your marketing strategy. Next, we will see some features that differentiate Instagram from Facebook

Beyond the fact that both platforms are useful to position your brand, Instagram users are more demanding regarding the aesthetic characteristics of the publications. Instagram ads have a 100% visual imprint. Similarly, the content is also rendered textually on Facebook. 

Instagram will allow you to grow your brand through the feed, stories, and explore section. Facebook, on the other hand, allows you to do so through News Feed, Instant Articles, MarketPlace News, Facebook Stories, and Video Feeds. 

Facebook is considered a more intimate social network. Users can connect with family and friends. Instagram, on the other hand, is a more modern application where followers can connect with people with whom they share likes and interests


Facebook and Instagram platforms

Instagram and Facebook belong to the same company but are aimed at very different audiences. In addition, the user experience in each of the networks is also different. The reality is that both networks are complementary to your marketing strategy. 

Both Facebook and Instagram are two platforms where it is convenient to invest your money to grow your business. However, to understand which of the two social networks to choose, it is essential that you understand what type of growth you want to achieve from your marketing campaigns. 

So far we come up with information about advertising on Instagram or Facebook. We hope you found it useful. At the grandly, we believe that networks are an essential tool for your company’s communication strategy. Therefore, we want to help you make the most of them. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you. 

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