Twitch Logs and how to integrate it into your digital marketing strategy


If you still don’t know what Twitch or twitch logs is , you’re missing out on one of the fastest growing platforms in recent months. It has been implanted in the United States for years, where many adolescents and young adults have known it for a long time. 

However, it has been since 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic , when its use has become widespread. Europe has been one of the countries where it has registered the fastest increase in audience and has become one of the most viewed platforms. 

In addition, it has become a digital marketing trend because it presents countless options to get the most out of it.

such has been the recent success that, during the pandemic and in just four months, the number of registered active channels increased by 200%. In 2022, its trajectory continues to be on the rise and its use is becoming so popular that few are surprised when they hear its name.

The name of the platform has become popular. Although it has not been ”  this year’s TikTok  “, it is much better known than just a few months ago. It’s not YouTube, but it is making a significant dent in the field of  monetizable content creation.

What is Twitch and how to integrate it into your Digital Marketing strategy?

Twitch  is an application  created in 2011 and owned by Amazon since 2014 . It offers support for  live streaming  and its main content is related to video games and online sports. In fact, in its beginnings, it was mainly used to broadcast  live online game matches .

Nowadays, things have changed. In it you can find  streamers  that broadcast cooking, culture, cinema or interview programs. In fact, there is so much variety that you can practically find all the content you are looking for on this platform.

One of its advantages is that you can monetize your broadcasts . For this reason, during the pandemic, there was an increase in professionals from different sectors who sought an alternative business path there. It was a great help for those who had had to put their photography or video studies on hold.

Twitch User Profile

So that you finish getting a complete idea about this tool, we will tell you that 65% of its users are young men, between 16 and 34 years old . Weekends are the periods of time in which more views are recorded. The volume of daily world audience amounts to 17.5 million people. The average audience of its broadcasts covers more than 1.5 million viewers.

Although its implementation has grown a lot in Europe , the United States continues to be the country with the most users. It is followed by Germany, Russia and South Korea. On the other hand, in China , a country with a huge potential audience, its broadcasts have been blocked since 2018, which reduces its great business potential.

In addition to video game enthusiasts who spend their free time watching others play and commenting on the game, we find another type of increasingly diverse user who interacts with musical content, cooking, tutorials… The advantage is their high degree of engagement and interest in the content and being able to participate with it if they see it necessary.

Millennials are the users that abound the most, so if your brand is not aimed at this very specific profile, it is almost better that you consider another platform.

How does Twitch work?

You can access through the browser , download the application to your mobile phone or tablet or view the content on your video game console. It is also available on platforms like Amazon TV or Google Chromecast . Also, there is an official app for Windows with a desktop version as well.

When you have the application installed, you will be able to access multiple contents. You can also broadcast yourself. If you decide to act as a streamer, the platform will allow you to broadcast live through its channels. Twitch does not charge for this service neither to the followers nor to the subscribers, who can interact through a chat.

So , how do you monetize if you are a content creator? 

The followers who watch your broadcasts do not pay anything, but those who want to be subscribers, even if they do not pay the platform, will have to contribute an economic amount to the content creator. Paying a fee provides them with benefits on the channel, such as badges, private chats with the streamer, or ad-free content.

On the other hand, you can monetize your work as a broadcaster by establishing affiliate programs or creating subscriptions to your channel. You also have the option to receive virtual coins (bits), sell games and items or do paid advertising. Advertising revenue depends on a series of indicators, which are related to the audience you get, your followers, subscribers, the frequency of your broadcasts and their quality.

If you achieve a high quality in your content, you could even become a partner of the platform. This allows you to integrate advertising in the channel with a maximum duration of 8 minutes. If you do not become a partner, you can be an ally of the marketing campaigns of your brand’s influencers.

Types of ads on Twitch

If you have managed to become a member, you can insert three types of ads in your broadcasts. They are the following.

  • Pre-roll ads : These are broadcast before the content begins and are usually short. They last about 30 seconds.
  • Mid-roll ads : They are broadcast during the broadcast and you, as the person in charge of the channel, decide when to insert them. Unlike YouTube, when a mid-roll appears on Twitch, the stream is not paused, but is instead minimized and muted for the ad to appear.
  • End of transmission announcements: They are displayed at the end of the transmission and, given their nature, they must hook the audience so that they decide to stay and watch them.
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How to integrate Twitch into your digital marketing strategy

Live broadcasts are a real gold mine for both content creators and brands that can take advantage of them. They are a format that hooks because of its proximity. In addition, they allow you to achieve marketing goals in an easy way.

Given the characteristics of the Twitch platform, its rapid and continuous growth and its high number of active users, it is good that you take it into account for your digital marketing strategy. It is an attractive channel for brands due to its youth, dynamism, novelty and the profile of its users, who are very loyal and committed to streamers and their broadcasts.

Other reasons why you should consider this option:

  • The high impact on the audience, global reach and low market saturation.
  • You can insert ads directly related to the user’s interests. Remember that the streamer decides when and where to place the ad.
  • young audience. If you move in market niches for youth, this is your platform. 73 % of users are under 34 years old and 41% are between 16 and 24 years old .

If your brand is focused on a millennial or generation Z audience, mainly male and with an interest in video games, here is a fantastic opportunity to promote your products.

How to do it?

If you are a brand, you can use the following online marketing strategies .

  • Free master class . This resource is one of the most used to publicize different products, services or brands. With it, you create attachment, trust and, in addition, you get subscribers for your contact directories with a view to your digital marketing actions.
  • Organization of events, webinars, conferences or tutorials. Along the same lines as the previous point, offering valuable content is the perfect magnet to attract a user profile that matches that of your potential customers. In this way you achieve closeness and interaction and work on your position as a brand with authority in the sector. With Live Chat you encourage participation among attendees.

          Online events would be meetings with your most loyal customers and their favorite influencers. 

  • Diffusion through influencers . Contact a content creator that matches your brand values ​​and image to advertise your products or services. It is one of the most effective strategies. The most common is that your influencer offers gifts, promotions, raffles…

Is it advisable to insert digital marketing ads on Twitch?

Ads, especially mid-rolls, are highly effective and get a large number of views. However, it is most appropriate for the content creator to inform his followers and subscribers that he is going to insert ads, their frequency and duration.

If you are a creator and you are just starting out, put an ad per hour, at most. If your audience is consolidated, three ads per hour may be the most appropriate figure, which you should not exceed, so as not to tire viewers. You can also play short commercials spread over several commercial breaks, with a period of about 15 minutes between each commercial break.

Where to Read Twitch Logs

What’s more, to talk during these streams, individuals use Twitch Chat, which is a significant component of the entire Twitch . Through the visit, watchers can converse with different watchers.

Sounds basic and tranquil, correct?

All things considered, not actually. It’s the web all things considered, and the entire thing can get turbulent pretty fast, with the actual decorations taking care of it on certain events.
As large numbers of the Twitch clients might be aware, there used to be a few sites, that would record the Twitch Logs from Twitch’s most renowned channels that were not set to Private.

Notwithstanding, these sites got an order to stop all activities from Twitch’s legitimate office and needed to go down. Yet, there’s as yet a site that gives a few Twitch Logs: The site hasn’t been refreshed in over a year, yet a few old Twitch Logs records can in any case be found.

Starting around 2022, the main way you could see the Twitch Logs from someone else’s channel — without being a mediator — is through their VODs; that is, obviously, assuming they’re accessible on this individual’s channel to normal watchers.

You can likewise check your own visit logs as you talk in various channels through an outsider device called Chatty, however it’s anything but a public data set like the others, and it just shows your messages.

For what reason did Twitch Prohibit Public Access to Chat Logs?

twitch logs

Indeed, incidentally, the capacity of visit history messages from the main 800 channels on Twitch had some not-really fitting stuff in them. Who might be aware?

What truly began to annoy certain individuals (and clearly the Twitch sprinters) was the way that these sorts of messages were being utilized to move some show among the biggest decorations on the stage, as well as consistent “articles” being made by numerous gatherings utilizing these records.

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At times messages were taken outside the current discussion to intentionally hurt somebody’s picture, yet on different events, individuals were trying to say truly terrible stuff. One way or another, this sort of stuff was continually being put out there.

To lay it out plainly, it was simply excessively simple to find generally speaking hostile remarks on the stage’s stream visits. All you needed to do was scan a smidgen for it. Also, the way that this monstrous internet based capacity of messages was being held, with this load of derisive stuff said by clients, was seen by Twitch as this significant negative thing simply ready to be related with the stage. So they ensured these sites were put down.

Step by step instructions to Read Your Twitch Logs

Despite the fact that these sites are restricted, there are still some TOS-accommodating ways you can follow your own visit logs.
Utilize the client search order
On Twitch itself, you can utilize this asset to find remarks from explicit clients made on the stage. You can do this by just going to your channel’s chatbox and composing ‘/client’ trailed by their username, and afterward squeezing Enter. You can likewise involve this element as an arbitrator.

Click on the username and this will open a client card. There, you’ll see “Show Chat History (Messages)”. Click on it, and the messages will be accessible to you:

twich chat logs

Utilizing an outsider chatbot application like Chatty can turn out to be very clever. Garrulous is an open-source programming that accompanies a huge load of supportive highlights to decorations. The program is accessible in Windows, Linux and MacOS.

To utilize the program, everything necessary it’s for you to interface it to your Twitch record and let it run behind the scenes while you stream. Probably the main information Chatty can give incorporates:

Downloading of visit history

Computerize visit balance
Adjustable visit tones (that assist you with recognizing watchers remarks)
There’s a great deal of other adaptable highlights that you can exploit once you get everything you could possibly want around the product.
A significant admonition: Chatty can enroll information from streams with the program running alongside it. It can not show you records from past streams, when you were not utilizing Chatty.

Different options like Chatty are Nightbot and Streamlabs.
Playback your VODs
Each time a stream closes, Twitch stores it as a VOD (video-on-request) on your channel. Along these lines, definitely, this strategy comprises of essentially watching your entire stream once more, with the exception of this time, you’re not streaming. Get it?

You’ll watch maybe you were a typical watcher, and you will be able to see remarks that have been taken out by the mediator, as well as some other remarks. Be that as it may, it’s not the most efficient practice out there. Assuming you’re searching for explicit remarks in a long stream, almost certainly, you will interruption and playing the entire thing for paradise knows how long.

The Importance of Reading Your Twitch Logs

Shockingly enough, individuals being hostile and abusing Twitch’s help out on the talk isn’t the ONLY justification for why you ought to continually look at the visit logs, yet is certainly one of them.

The principal reasons you ought to stay aware of these Twitch Logs are:

To check for improper way of behaving
Individuals can exploit that it is so natural to make a (phony) account on Twitch and simply fill your talk with some really horrifying, hostile stuff. Monitoring those sorts of remarks and boycott individuals answerable for them is truly significant. In the event that Twitch’s Terms of Service are often being disregarded in your stream talks, you might wind up losing your channel.

To acquire knowledge through crowd’s responses
One of different justifications for why a stream visit can get tumultuous, particularly assuming you have a major channel, is that individuals can remark A LOT. With a significant progression of remarks, monitoring every one of them while streaming is unthinkable. Be that as it may, checking these certified responses and suppositions later is pivotal to comprehend what’s working or not in your substance, ensuring your channel will develop.

To audit mediators’ activities
Arbitrators don’t necessarily settle on the ideal decision. Now and again, they can break somebody that ought to have been restricted or the other way around. By perusing the visit logs, you can decide whether a mediator’s choices were legitimate or not.

Find images and steadfast watchers
Your crowd in Twitch might foster their own images and inside jokes to speak with one another. Typically your most faithful watchers are the ones answerable for propulsion Of that energetic (and sound) conduct among the local area. It’s critical to distinguish these watchers and offer them some additional consideration, telling them their work and dependability is being taken note.

Twitch & Twitch Logs, a platform to consider

Many digital marketing strategies from different organizations have been integrating actions on platforms such as Instagram or YouTube for some time now. Now, more and more companies incorporate this new way to obtain visibility and sales results.

Twitch has managed to carve out a niche for itself in a sector of the population with very specific characteristics. This highlights how conventional media, including television and newspapers, have already been completely replaced by modern platforms such as TikTok , Instagram or YouTube .

These are scenarios where changes happen at great speed. Even Facebook and Twitter seem to be falling behind when it comes to impacting a young audience. Teenagers and adults under the age of 30 are migrating from one platform to another in search of innovative media to provide them with information and entertainment.

Therefore, as a brief summary, Twitch is a tool that combines a large number of resources from others that have been successful in the past, with great possibilities and a mass of young followers.

At this point, we thank you for reading our post on Twitch Logs

At thegrandly Digital Marketing Agency we can help you with your marketing strategy on Twitch.

Tags :Twitch Logs, Twitch Logs History ,How to Read Your Twitch Logs, twitch logs 2022,

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