Available Mining jobs in Australia with Salaries

Most of the available Mining Jobs in Australia include but are not limited to; Metal Fitters & Machinist Jobs, Mining Engineering Jobs, Production Manager Jobs, Electrician Jobs, and Truck Driving jobs.

However, to qualify for the available mining jobs in Australia, you have to gather relevant experience and knowledge, connect, get the right contacts, and visit mining industries.

The Australia is the world’s leading producer of mined minerals, and there are many current opportunities for foreigners. And Australia’s mining industry is booming, with over $60 billion worth of projects on the go.

However, over the years, The Australians have relied on Mining as a critical source of employment, The Australia’s large landmass has allowed us to develop vast mineral deposits, which are now at the heart of Australian industries. 

And as demand for energy sources increases worldwide, Australia is uniquely placed to provide the world with vital resources that will allow growth and development to continue.

Advantages of Mining jobs in Australia 

  • Mining is such a lucrative industry in Australia, so salaries start high right off the bat, the location of most mines in the middle of nowhere also contributes to the high wages offered to workers. 
  • You can work in the mining industry to receive a second working holiday visa. 
  • Staff often work two to four weeks on and one week off in a relatively isolated location and when lodging is covered, it’s possible to cut costs significantly.

Mining jobs in Australia: Methods to Obtain a Position 

For you to become a miner, one must complete a traineeship in the extractive industries (operations) at level 2 or 3 or underground metalliferous Mining (level 2 or 3). 

The duration of the traineeships is typically 12 to 24 months. 

A qualification in surface extraction operations or a closely related field may also help one enter this profession. 

In Western Australia, TAFE institutions and other authorized training facilities provide Certificates II and III in Surface Extraction Operations. 

It can be challenging for someone with no experience or training in the mining business to break in. Applying for jobs in the mining industry requires diligence and perseverance. 

Your best bet for landing a job in the mining industry is to keep applying until you’ve tried everything.

How to get a job in Australia’s mining industry: 

  • Relevant Skills/Experience 
  • Create a Network and Contacts 
  • Talk to Employment Agencies and Staffing Firms 
  • Visit Some Mining Communities 
  • Be at the right location at the right time 
  • Halts in operation 

Relevant skill /experience 

A mining job should be far easier for those with engineering, geology, or construction degrees than those without, finding work in the mines is more likely for those without a trade than those without one. 

Create a network of contacts

If you have no experience or qualifications, talking to people actively working on mining sites can be helpful. If you can find expats from your own country working on mining sites, that would be ideal.

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They will know who to contact and what to do to help. 

Get in touch with employment and recruitment firms. 

It would help if you had relevant skills, trade, or qualifications for a recruitment agency to take you seriously. Contact labor hire agencies in the potential mining town if you need a specific skill, work, or qualification. 

Visit the mining communities.

You might want to rethink going to the other side of Australia to visit a well-known mining town. Discover which mines are closest to where you are in Australia. 

Be at the right location at the right time.

This is, unfortunately, often the case for entry-level mining positions, so you’ll need a lot of patience. 

Halts in operation 

The term “shutdown” describes the situation perfectly. Mining operations are occasionally shut down for repairs, maintenance, and upgrades; during these times, temporary workers are brought in. 

This type of work is ideal for travelers who want to avoid settling down for an extended period because it requires few specialized skills and only lasts for a short time. A bonus is an opportunity to network with industry professionals and obtain practical experience.

Mining jobs in Australia: What You Can Expect 

  • If you need more experience and training, you should be prepared to put in the strenuous physical effort. 
  • You’ll be working long, 12-hour days doing rote tasks, so it’s important to be psychologically ready for the grind and physically. 
  • High employee turnover is expected in the mining industry. That’s because many individuals take jobs in the mines without a clue what they’ll be doing there. 
  • Because of the high turnover rate, you may only make a little money initially, but your payment will be relatively low, too. You should get a raise in pay once your dependability as an employee has been established. 
  • Most mining businesses do background checks and drug and alcohol screenings. Workers can relax and enjoy alcoholic beverages in designated wet mess areas, but they must be sober and ready to work when their shift begins.

Mining jobs in Australia: Tickets 

Some tasks in the mining industry require unique certification and education, or “tickets,” before you may work there. 

Depending on what kind of labor you’ll be doing, you’ll need a specific ticket type. You should do your homework before shelling out cash for training, as some tickets are pretty pricey, and mines in different states require separate tickets.

Mining jobs in Australia: Highest-Paying FIFO Jobs

As we’ve seen above, working as a miner pays nicely. There are, though, additional lucrative FIFO prospects in the mining sector. Here are a few examples. 

Mechanical Engineer

The equipment required for Mining, refining, and transporting mineral ores is planned, designed, and managed by a mechanical engineer. They assist in organizing the daily operations and upkeep of the mining site. 

  • Up to $250,000 salary 

Civil Engineer

Building magnificent structures isn’t one of many aspects of any civil engineering employment. Civil engineers work in the mining industry to ensure that buildings are appropriately constructed, maintained, and flexible enough to withstand the rigors of a mining site. 

  • Up to $250,000 salary 

Electrical Engineer

Electrical systems are often used in mining operations. To keep all work areas safe and operating efficiently, electrical engineers assist in the development, application, installation, and maintenance of these systems. 

  • Up to $200,000 salary 

Open-Cut (Above-Ground) and Underground Miners.

Miners working in open pits and underground mines do more than merely extract, load, and move rich ores like coal. They must also be knowledgeable about first aid and safety protocols. 

  • Up to $200,000 salary 
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Exploration Geologist

To identify lucrative minerals, exploration geologists plan and survey the topography of potential mining sites. Mining companies could plan their subsequent excavation and save money by avoiding low-yield sites with their assistance. 

  • Up to $200,000 salary 


Geophysicists use various techniques to research the Earth to find minerals, water, oil, gas, and other valuable resources. To assist miners in maximizing the output of a mining site, they deploy contemporary data collection tools. 

  • Up to $200,000 salary 

Heavy machinery operators 

Heavy machinery operators, as the title suggests, drive or control equipment like trucks, drillers, and the like. Physical fitness is essential for vocations like drillers, which call for the use of heavy machinery. 

  • Up to $200,000 salary 


Metals are the focus of metallurgists. They conduct research and assist in creating procedures that will allow metals to be properly recovered from the materials excavated from mining sites. 

  • Up to $180,000 salary

What jobs are available mining jobs in Australia? 

Here are just a few:

  • Drilling and Mining Jobs
  • Metal Fitters &
  • Machinist Jobs
  • Mining Engineering Jobs
  • Production Manager Jobs
  • Electrician Jobs
  • Truck Driving jobs
  • Earth Scientist (Geologist etc.) Jobs
  • Structural Steel & Welding Trades Worker Jobs

If you’re looking for an exciting opportunity in the mining sector, now is the right time. Over 20,000 mining jobs in Australia are currently advertised on Seek, covering many occupations. You can also view the state-by-state breakdown of employment at Australian Mining.

Mining jobs in Australia: Skills in demand 

According to Hays, Australia’s mining skills in demand are listed below.

Western Australia

  • RC drillers
  • Diamond drillers
  • Field assistants
  • Underground engineers
  • Drill and blast operators
  • HD fitters
  • Auto electricians
  • Surface mobile plant operators (dump truck operators, all-rounders, excavator operators)


  • Mining engineers, geotechnical engineers, geologists, and surveyors (underground)
  • Metallurgists and lab technicians
  • Drill and blast operators
  • Heavy diesel fitters
  • Dump truck and all-round operators
  • Auto electricians

South Australia

  • Project engineers
  • Project managers
  • Mechanical fitters
  • Boilermakers
  • Dump truck and all-round operators

Northern Territory

  • Heavy diesel fitters
  • Auto electricians
  • Refrigeration technicians
  • NDT technicians
  • All-round operators
  • Geologists and field assistants
  • Maintenance planners/schedulers and project managers

New South Wales

  • Electrical design engineers
  • Mechanical engineers
  • Mining engineers
  • Boilermakers, mechanical fitters, underground electricians, and drill fitters (Hunter / Western region)
  • Surveyors and geologists


  • Diesel mechanics and boilermakers
  • Mechanical fitters and all-round operators
  • Superintendents, operations managers, and quarry managers


In Australia, the average mining salary is $110,065 annually or $56.44 per hour. Starting salaries for entry-level positions are $92,500 annually, while those with the most experience can earn up to $156,410.

Mining jobs in Australia: Conclusion

Working conditions in the mining industry are highly context-dependent. Due to its remoteness, many mines in Australia operate on a FIFO (fly-in-fly-out) schedule, where workers are flown into the mine for their shift and then returned to the city for their week off. 

Mineral sand mines can be found in Bunbury and the South West, coal mines in Collie, gold mines in Boddington and the Goldfields, and iron ore miners in the Pilbara and Gascoyne regions. 

They must be ready to live away from home on site or work on a fly-in, fly-out arrangement, which entails working on site for a while before traveling back home for a break. 

Miners frequently put in long shifts in potentially hazardous circumstances. They may operate inside air-conditioned bulldozers, but their workplaces can still be confined, noisy, filthy, and dark. 

Automating mining processes has increased the number of control rooms where miners operate and monitor mining equipment, frequently creating a safer and more comfortable working environment.


  • Most on-site camps will include first-rate amenities, including a gym, pool, and table tennis. 
  • You won’t have to worry about making dinner after working a 12-hour shift because all campgrounds on-site will supply ready-to-eat meals. 
  • Most campgrounds will also provide a cleaning service, so your lodgings won’t need to be. 
  • Most lodgings on site will include a tv, internet access, and a phone. 


  • The mining environment is typically hot, dusty, and full of irritating flies. 
  • The process might be tedious and time-consuming if you lack the necessary skills and experience. 
  • Most mining operations are located in inaccessible areas.
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