A Complete Review of Elate Cosmetics as the Best Vegan & Cruelty-Free Beauty Product?

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Currently, cosmetics are part of our daily lives. We all use them on a daily basis. Who does not have soap, creams, or makeup at home? They are easily accessible and we have a vast repertoire of products to choose from. Within this great offer of cosmetics, you have probably heard of a recent trend from elate cosmetics called “natural”, “ecological” or “organic” cosmetics. 

If you do not know what it is about or are interested in the subject, then you are reading the correct article.

In general terms, natural cosmetic products are composed mainly of natural ingredients or of natural origin. This formulation gives them multiple beneficial properties for our skin and our health. Given these advantages, more and more people are opting for natural cosmetic products, like elate cosmetics.


  • Natural cosmetics, being composed mostly of natural ingredients, do not include products that can harm our health and that are part of conventional cosmetics.
  • The production of natural cosmetics is strictly regulated, trying to respect the environment as much as possible, in addition to promoting sustainable production.
  • The effectiveness of natural cosmetics at an aesthetic level is comparable and “even superior” to that of conventional cosmetic products. You have to be careful when buying products that are sold to us as “natural” because not all of them are. It is advisable to check that they have the corresponding certificate. The Elate cosmetics, however, is a brand you can trust.

Elate Cosmetics: The best natural cosmetic products on the market

Prep Priming Serum

This facial serum does not contain ingredients of animal origin and was not tested on animals, so it is especially recommended for vegans. It contains top-quality organic compounds and has a certification that guarantees its purity and safety.

With this organic product from elate cosmetics, you will significantly improve the appearance of your skin, reducing premature wrinkles and expression lines. In addition to offering greater firmness, it provides elasticity, softness, and luminosity to the dermis.

Editorial evaluation: This vegan serum is made with 100% natural ingredients, from organic farming. In addition, it improves the appearance of the skin, while providing it with greater nutrition. Just a few drops will prep your face for foundation or powder, adding staying power and a silky finish.

Face Cream -Foster Skin Care

Face Cream Foster Skin Care

This is Another ideal option to eliminate expression lines and premature wrinkles from Elate cosmetics. This vegan face cream is made from organic and cruelty-free ingredients.

This product is especially indicated for eye contours. You will notice your skin much smoother and firmer, while age marks will be reduced. Contains acid, aloe vera, cocoa butter, coconut, and argan oil.

Editorial evaluation: If you want to have much more beautiful and healthy skin without resorting to products with chemicals, this organic vegan face cream is an excellent option for you.

Tinted Lip Conditioner

Tinted Lip Conditioner from elate cosmetics

We will end our list of products with the Better Balm lip conditioner. It is made with organic plant extracts and high-quality organic oils. Likewise, it is a product free of silicone, paraffin, and mineral oils.

It has a quality and safety certificate since it is a dermatologically tested product. In addition, its texture is creamy and smooth. On the other hand, its color is perfect to use on multiple occasions.

Editorial evaluation: Your lips will look more beautiful and moisturized with this product. Therefore, it is a perfect combination of beauty and health.

What you should know about natural cosmetics

When buying a natural cosmetic, you should consider what properties such products offer you and why they would be beneficial for you. For this reason, below we provide you with key information about natural cosmetics, in addition to solving the most frequent doubts among users.

The adjectives “natural”, “ecological”, “BIO” or “organic” are often used interchangeably to refer to a type of product that is based on natural ingredients. They do not contain harmful chemical substances and are grown organically, without using transgenic ingredients.

What exactly are natural cosmetics?

One of the main certifying bodies for natural cosmetic products defines natural cosmetics as those that are made up of at least 95% natural ingredients or ingredients of natural origin. In addition, at least 5% of the total ingredients come from organic farming, which represents at least 50% of the plant ingredients.

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Natural cosmetics like Elate Cosmetics do not contain products of animal origin and during their preparation, no tests or experiments are carried out on animals. Thus, they constitute a form of cosmetics that is respectful of the health of human beings, animals, and the environment.

Why is it recommended to use Elate cosmetics?

The fact of being made mainly with ingredients of natural origin makes elate cosmetics much more beneficial for the health of our skin. For example, they lack heavy metals, which could accumulate in the body. In addition, they produce fewer skin sensitivity reactions, since they do not contain irritating products such as parabens and synthetic aromas.

Natural elate cosmetics, unlike conventional ones, are made free of petroleum-derived substances. This allows proper perspiration of our skin, thus reducing the appearance of skin acne while providing a good aesthetic result. Hormonal alterations and other physiological systems are also reduced with the use of natural cosmetics.

natural cosmetic products
 The texture, smell, and consistency of natural cosmetic products are very attractive and pleasant

On the other hand, it should be noted that natural cosmetics are not only beneficial for us. They also favor the preservation of the environment and protect the integrity and respect for animals.

Are elate cosmetics effective?

Definitely yes. The effectiveness of elate natural cosmetics is perfectly comparable to that of traditional cosmetics and even higher. This is due to the greater contribution of active ingredients in its formulation. The reason is that they lack the additives and chemical substances present in conventional cosmetic products.

This makes them not only safer for users but also more efficient. However, we must bear in mind that the effectiveness of any product, whether natural or conventional, will depend on its composition, as well as the concentration of its active ingredients and the frequency with which we apply it.

Are elate cosmetics completely safe against allergies?

Many of the chemical products that are part of the composition of traditional cosmetics, such as parabens, silicones, and artificial perfumes are not present in natural cosmetics. These products are irritating and can cause hypersensitivity reactions or allergies in users.

As with any product, safety against allergies and sensitization is not 100%. Each person has a different skin, which is more or less sensitive to certain components, some of which may be of natural origin. If we have sensitive skin or allergies to any element, it is important that we check the composition of each product before buying it.

Is the application of natural cosmetic products pleasant?

There is an idea that natural cosmetic products, being made up of ingredients that come from nature and do not contain artificial perfumes or other components, are not as pleasant to apply as conventional cosmetic products. For example, because of its texture, its smell, or other characteristics.

Fortunately, this is not so. As a consequence of the growing demand for natural products, the characteristics of this type of cosmetics have evolved notably in favor of their users. Currently, the texture, smell, and consistency of natural cosmetic products are just as attractive and pleasant as those of any traditional cosmetic.

Natural cosmetics are ideal for a fresh look.
Natural cosmetics are ideal for people looking for a fresh and casual look.

Do natural cosmetics spoil sooner?

Perhaps you have considered that, if natural cosmetics lack artificial products for their preparation and conservation, they can spoil sooner and not be as durable as conventional cosmetics.

If this worries you, calm down: natural cosmetics like elate cosmetics have conservation means to preserve them. The certifying bodies establish a list of components that are allowed in the formulation of natural cosmetics, including ingredients with a preservative function.

Manufacturers of natural cosmetics replace preservatives with a mixture of essential oils and vacuum packaging. All these techniques allow the optimal conservation of natural cosmetic products, preventing their degradation.

Is natural cosmetics more expensive than conventional ones?

Many of us tend to think that natural and organic products have a higher price than conventional ones, but this is not true. As in the rest of cosmetics, we can find a varied range of prices, but the natural and ecological lines do not present any additional compared to traditional cosmetics. They constitute an alternative to conventional cosmetics available to everyone.

What advantages and disadvantages do elate cosmetics have?

When purchasing any product, it is essential to take into account its benefits and drawbacks. We have already been commenting on many of the advantages of elate cosmetics. To begin with, the natural composition of these products makes them more beneficial for the health of our skin and our body.

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The use of natural cosmetics is especially recommended for people with sensitive skin since its composition excludes a wide list of artificial products that can cause irritation and hypersensitivity reactions in our skin. 

The benefits of natural cosmetics are not only limited to the skin, but the fact that they lack toxic compounds avoids a large part of the adverse effects that these can cause on our health.

On an aesthetic level, natural products give a more authentic finish, not as artificial as traditional cosmetics. This can be seen especially at the makeup level since its natural pigments offer a more subtle result. 

Thanks to its components, with very beneficial properties in terms of health and aesthetics, natural cosmetics offer better skin hydration. Their regenerative/nutritive capacity is greater and they have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Finally, we have already mentioned that the manufacture of conventional cosmetics is strictly regulated by official bodies. In this way, its production is respectful of the environment and does not involve animal handling.

The following list generally summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of natural cosmetic products:


  • Components that respect our skin
  • less irritating
  • Lower content of toxic substances
  • More authentic aesthetic results
  • respect for the environment
  • No animal testing


  • Lack of legal regulation: misleading products
  • individual intolerances
  • some manufacturers may sell products as “natural” when they really are not.

On the other hand, some people may have allergies or intolerances to some of the natural compounds present in cosmetics of natural origin. Before purchasing any product, we must make sure that it does not contain any ingredient to which we are allergic or that could harm us.

Are elate cosmetics better than conventional ones?

Natural elate cosmetics are distinguished from conventional ones mainly by their composition. Traditional cosmetics use all kinds of chemical compounds to favor their preservation, to give them a pleasant texture or an attractive aroma. Therefore, they can cause harmful effects on our health.

Some of the adverse effects that these products can present are:

  1. Skin reactions due to allergy or sensitivity.
  2. Hormonal alterations, acne, and seborrhea due to less perspiration of the skin.

In contrast, natural cosmetic products are fundamentally based on natural components. These are more respectful of our skin and our body, not only avoiding harmful effects on our health but also providing better aesthetic and image results.

The production of natural cosmetics takes into account the preservation of the environment and avoids animal handling. Finally, natural cosmetics are the same or cheaper than conventional ones, thus being within the reach of most users.


Elate cosmetics produce fewer skin sensitivity reactions
Natural products produce fewer skin sensitivity reactions

Avoid toxic ingredients

You already know that for a cosmetic to be considered natural, at least 95% of its ingredients must have that origin, but also the remaining 5% must not contain ingredients such as the following:

  • Petroleum derivatives
  • preservatives
  • mineral oils
  • parabens
  • Formaldehyde-releasing derivatives
  • Sodium lauryl sulfate o sodium Laureth sulfate
  • Paraffin
  • lead or aluminum
  • Aniline derivatives, such as ethylenediamine
  • PEG or acrylates

Also, keep in mind that you should always check what the cosmetic you choose is made of and that its ingredients should always be included in the INCI (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients). If the product is marketed in the European Union (EU), it must include this list of ingredients.


It is important that you spend some of your time reading the label of cosmetics before buying them. This is especially important in case you have allergies or intolerances to some type of natural ingredient. 

  • Enumeration. Ingredients are listed in descending order and quantity.
  • Language. The names of the ingredients are placed in Latin.
  • Ecological. An asterisk next to the ingredient means that it is organic.
  • Ecological derivative. Two asterisks next to the ingredient mean that it is derived from an organic ingredient.
  • Percentage. Look on the label for the percentage of organic ingredients included in the product.

Choose cruelty-free products and recycled packaging

In addition to the certificates indicated in the previous criterion, you should also check that it has not been tested on animals. You will find a stamp with the phrase “product not tested on animals” or with the symbol of a rabbit and the words in English ( not tested on animals or cruelty-free).

On the other hand, look at the container or packaging and choose those materials that have been recycled. Also, remember that plastic is not the most advisable because it can alter the properties of a natural product.

Where to buy elate cosmetics

Elate Cosmetics is based in British Colombia, Canada. You can easily buy any of their products from their official website.


Natural cosmetics are an alternative to conventional cosmetics, with notable benefits for our health, and excellent aesthetic results. Respectful with the environment and animals and at an affordable price.

Taking these advantages into account, more and more people are deciding to replace their traditional cosmetic products with the natural range. Without going any further, some of the most recognized celebrities, such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Natalie Portman, and Madonna, claim to use natural cosmetics on a daily basis. 

You can view more Elate cosmetics on Facebook and Instagram

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